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Showing posts from November, 2018

Replacing Lies with Truth: I Am Enough

Today I'm writing things I need to read myself. The first qualification this verse gives is "whatever is true." That's the very first thing we should consider when we decide if we should allow certain thoughts precious time in our minds. Today I want to talk about something that's true, because sometimes false messages have a way of sneaking in. They do that with you too, when you least expect it. Today's truth:  I am enough. I'm no longer a size 6. I'm enough. I'm not tall, with long legs, and I have to hem everything I wear. I am enough. My complexion isn't flawless. I'm still enough. I have suffered more heartache than I thought I'd be able to survive. I am enough. I have inner scars that will always be a sign of the things I've gong through. I'm enough. I now wear a scarlet "D" that will cause me to be judged by some. (I know they aren't the ones wh